Excuse me, how do I get to Cape Town city center from Cape town International Airport?

Well, you have two options, you can go by taxi or by train.

And what is the cheapest option?

Let me check. Yes, it is the train. It only costs 7 rand.

How many stops is that?

It’s 9 stops with no changes.

How often do the trains go to the centre?

Every 30 minutes. Be on time. Next train is leaving in 5 minutes.

How does the journey takes?

It takes 30 minutes.

Okey, I will buy one ticket please.

Would you like a window or an aisle seat?

A window seat please, I prefer to see the views.

Has anyone interfered with your bags since you packed them?

Err, of course not.

Do you have any hand luggage?

No, I don’t.

So, it’s 7 rand please. Would you like to pay by card or by cash?

By cash. Here you are.


Which platform does the train go from?

From platform 8. Enjoy your journey.

Dialogue of a travel arrangements - Cape Town

Resultado de imagen de cape town
