Tandoori Pizza:

Hi and welcome to Dominos Pizza, how can I help you?
I want to order some pizzas to take away.
Okey, here you have the menu, are you looking for something special?
Yes, we want a pizza with spicy chicken. Do you have any?
Ahhhh yes here it is. The Tandoori Pizza.
What’s that made with?
Thin pizza base topped with cheese, tomato and hot, spicy chicken tikka pices.
mmmm, it sounds delicious. How is it cooked?
All the pizzas are cooked in our special pizza oven, and served with a mixed salad
Okey , so I’ll have one of this.
come back in  20min, it will be ready.
Thanks, see you later.
Tandoori Pizza

Resultado de imagen de pizza tandoori

Vegetable fajitas:

Hello and welcome to restaurante aczino, what wold you like to have?
Hi, I would like some fagitas, which one do you recomend?
the vegetable fagita
what is it made with?
its made with mushrooms onion pepper and beans in mexican spices, served with salad and trortilla wraps
how is it cooked?
on a hot grill at your table
Okay so we want 4, were siting at that table.
Vegetable fajitas

Resultado de imagen de VEGETABLE FAJITAS
