Hi, today I’m going to talk about my last summer holidays. First of all, I’m going  to explain my trip to Portugal, second I’m going to talk about the cruise we did with all of my family and finally about the days I spent in Llançà.

The following Monday after finishing school I went to Portugal with my family. I spent three days in Lisbon the capital of Portugal. In it we visited popular places like the cathedral, Alfama neighbourhood and Belem Tower. We also used the tram, that is one of the most represented things in the city. The other three days we went to the coast of Portugal in a beautiful hotel.

After one month in Banyoles all of my family went to the cruise. In one week only, in the morning we visited five different countrier like Mallorca, Rome, Cerdenya, Monaco and Marselle. And in the afternoon we did a lot of activities in the ship with my cousins. It was an amazing week in the cruise.

In August I went to Llançà and I stayed in our flat. I had a great time there. After having a good breakfast we went to the beach. We always had lunch late but in the evening I did different activities with my friends.

And these are my summer holidays! Thanks for listening!


Did you use visual support? powerpoint, video... Yes, but at the presentation I couln't open it so I put a photo of the cathedral in Mallorca
Did you show/talk about the photos in the point to the audience?Because of this problem I only showed the photo of the cathedral.

Body language and eye contact:
Did you look at your audience most of the time?I looked very time at my audience but no old the time.
Did you read from your notes? A little.
Did yoku do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience? Yes I did.

Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes.
Did you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? I tired it.
Which ones? 

Did you introduce interesting information to your audience? Yes, my summer.
Was your information more superficial or more detalied and original? My information was more detalied and origninal. 

Did you check your grammar? Yes, after writing.
Did you use sentence linkers? Yes of course.
Did you use fillers? I don't know.

Pronountation and intonation:
Did you know how to pronunce all your words? Yes, all of them.
Did you check the pronounciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes, before the presentation.
Did you change your tone of voice or use a montone all the time? No.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? Yes, I tired it.

What mark did you get?7.8


Jana's:  She went in the summer camp and in the Beyonce concert.  Then she went to Llancà. There she went to the beach every day.

Alex's:  Alex went to London and he stayed in Park Plaza Hotel.  Then we went to Andorra three days.

Aina's:  She went  to the rowing chapion ship in Sevilla. Then with Maria they went to Manchester two weeks.

Alex's:  He swim a lot in this summer. And he went with the family in Galicia
